its my party (and i'll steal erica's thunder if i want to!)
my first message: i hope everyone's going to erica's, i am and i'll see you there.
my second message: i'm having a party on the friday night (the might before erica's, which, incidentally, is the night of her actual birthday.....but erica, i hope you can pls come anyway). starts btw 8 and 9pm and will rock till the wee hours of satuday (afterwhich you can sleep all day, and be all fresh for erica's sat night.
the details (i was going to write "the deets" just then, but i had a nagging suspicion (speeling?) that no one would know what i was talking about): my house, 8 or 9pm, fri 6th May, pls bring a plate to share if you can....or something to drink.
i'm turning 23....for anyone who's interested.